earth transmissions
Details for 2023 comic submissions coming soon!
the Rad Mag in print!
Earth Transmissions – intel from planet weird is a feature in the seasonal print zine. Your illustrations to the provocative and perverse conversations could appear in the next issue!
The Professional Stuff:
Your work belongs to you. By submitting your illustration, you are giving the Rad Mag and Candi Presents permission to print your work. You also give the Rad Mag permission to post your illustration to our words on the internet. At no time does
the Rad Mag own the images you create or hold any rights to them.
By receiving your submission, we agree to:
-print your illustration, name/account etc. as provided in the SUBMISSION ISSUE of the Rad Mag and subsequent issues for the purpose of memory sharing and the always possible montage issue, if chosen.
-only post your illustration on the internet with your name/account credited and with any tagging provided and possible.
-provide you with a copy of the SUBMISSION ISSUE your illustration is chosen for! If you prefer not to receive a print copy, a complete SUBMISSION ISSUE .pdf can be provided.
-notify you by TBD, 2023 if your comic will appear in the [COMING SOON] print issue!
By submitting, you agree to:
-not post your illustration on the internet (chosen for print or not) until the SUBMISSION ISSUE is printed and available for purchase because it will ruin all the fun.
-receive all communication regarding submission by email including status updates and dates for print/posting availability. Your email address will not be used to sell you stuff. The email address used to submit your comic will be used for all communication.
-to cite/tag/mention “the Rad Mag” and/or “CandiPresents” when posting or reposting your submissions with tagging provided and possible. (Instagram: @the_RadMag ; @candipresents | Twitter: @candipresents)
Submission Details:
-The illustration should be in classic comic format, no more than four panels, using the words, actions, etc. in the ILLUSTRATION ISSUE’s “Earth Transmissions”.
-Accepted file formats: .JPEG, .JPG, .PNG, .PDF
Send your submission via email to:
Include: name/handle/identifier you would like listed as ‘Artist’ to accompany your work - you can choose to remain anonymous
Include: the social media account you would like tagged, if any